Protecting Sensitive Information at Corporate Events

Sensitive information is discussed and shared during business meetings and conferences every day. Lack of adequate security preparation may expose secrets that might have devastating effects on your business. Some of the common damages include loss of essential information to competitors, the impact of stock prices and even personal danger to individuals involved. Bugging or technical surveillance is an old threat that has become more sophisticated due to the advancement of technology. In fact, nowadays, bugging equipment can provide real-time video feeds through the internet even steal conversations through laser microphones. In response to this imminent threat, many organizations have started conducting Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) operations. Below are some practical measures you can adopt for maximum confidentiality.




RF Detection

Radio Frequency (RF) transmission scanning can be a useful technique for conference room bug sweeping and other sensitive areas. Different types of RF devices can be used from simple handheld to sophisticated tools such as Omni Spectral Correlator (OSCOR). Some advanced devices can store the profiles of the specific environments that is used to compare with future sweeps to quickly determine the potential threat.

Electronic Detections

Attackers can use more advanced surveillance systems that can be turned on and off remotely. It is difficult to use the RF detection devices when bugs are turned off. A Non-Linear Junction Detector (NJD) is used to detect the presence of bugs even when they are turned off. Unlike the RF detectors, the NJD does not detect energy transmissions but instead detects various metals making it easier to identify devices that contain circuit boards. This technique can be instrumental in hotel bug sweeping for corporate meetings. The NJD device should be passed on every surface for efficient conference room bug sweeping.

Thermal Imaging

Thermal imaging is another way of sweeping hotel spaces for corporate meetings. These devices rely on heat to indicate the presence of bugs. If a bug is powered up it will emit a heat signature that will help TSCM teams to locate the rogue device. They detect heat variations even in concealed places like walls and the ceiling.

How do thermal imaging devices work? Usually, all objects emit infrared radiation in relation to their temperatures. Basic thermal imaging devices detect the radiation and provide temperature variations of the scene in the form of bright and dark shades of grey. Advanced devices illustrate color profiles and even actual temperatures for easier identification.

Understanding Microphones Found at Corporate Events

Conference halls and other meeting spaces in hotels are pre-wired with microphones and speakers. The audio wiring may include several interconnections in different rooms, making them easy to be intercepted and diverted. Some presenters may also prefer to use wireless microphones for corporate events for their convenience. However, these can pose a risk where privacy is a concern unless they are encrypted.

Bugs can be hidden anywhere in the hotel meeting venues resulting in information leaks. Due to the advancement of technology, sophisticated bugging devices which can remotely transmit conversation are readily available. The proliferation of mobile is another major security issue when holding essential meetings. Ensure security measures are put in place when planning to hold confidential meetings in hotels. The need for bug sweeping for corporate events is much more important today than never before; contact Silent Guardian for TSCM bug-sweeping services for your next corporate event!