If you own or manage an apartment building or complex in the Long Island, New York area, the safety of your tenants is your top priority. With burglaries, break-ins, vandalism and robberies posing a constant threat, you need to implement the most stringent apartment building security systems to protect residents and give them peace of mind. Apartment building surveillance systems serve as the backbone of any reliable, effective security solution.

Learn More About Video Security

Silent Guardian Technical Solutions is your one-stop source for high-quality security cameras for apartment buildings in Long Island. We combine more than two decades of experience with state-of-the-art video surveillance equipment that will keep a watchful eye on your property on a 24/7/365 basis. As one of the top commercial security camera companies in the area, you can also count on us for a fast, professional surveillance system installation and service.

We’ll Provide the Best Security Cameras on the Market

Surveillance camera technology continues to evolve. At Silent Guardian, all our video surveillance systems consist of 1080p HD cameras, widely regarded as the most innovative equipment in the industry. Unlike analog systems, these IP cameras can stream a much higher video resolution while providing remote access via a computer network and the internet. They deliver crystal-clear, high-resolution images along with fast transmission of camera views, and they also provide maximum installation flexibility.

You’ll Also Get Professional Installation and Much More

Our experience makes Silent Guardian your best choice for security system installation for apartment buildings in Long Island. We’ll strategically place each camera at the most effective angle for capturing the images of intruders. You’ll also have access to our easy-to-use mobile app and dashboard to allow seamless management and control of your surveillance system. You can navigate the viewing and playback features easily even if you’re not a technical expert. With the remote monitoring capabilities, you can keep an eye on the property even when you’re off the premises.

What Are the Benefits of Implementing Apartment Security Cameras?

The many benefits of using security cameras for apartment buildings in Long Island include:

  • Catching criminals in the act: Unlike door locks and alarms, surveillance cameras allow you to see what’s happening in and around your apartment building, so you can quickly spot perpetrators as they attempt to commit their crimes.
  • Visible deterrent: The sight of surveillance cameras placed in highly visible locations is often enough to prevent criminals from targeting your property — and your tenants.
  • Video evidence: Law enforcement can use recorded camera feeds to identify and apprehend perpetrators. The images can also serve as evidence when prosecuting criminals.
  • Peace of mind: With the monitoring capabilities of today’s video surveillance systems, you’ll feel better knowing you can always see what’s happening around your property — even if you’re many miles away.

Why Choose Silent Guardian as Your Provider of Apartment Security Cameras in Long Island, NY?

Silent Guardian offers a level of experience our competitors can’t match. We have the expertise to identify your building’s most glaring security vulnerabilities and design a system layout that will virtually eliminate them. We can also help you avoid the pitfalls that often accompany a do-it-yourself security system installation for apartment buildings.

Contact us to learn more about apartment security cameras and related services and to schedule a free estimate today.

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