As a homeowner, you want to do everything possible to protect your property and loved ones. Home security systems deter burglars, but what about home security cameras? Will telling potential burglars they’re on camera keep them from breaking into your home?

Learn More About Video Security

Do Security Cameras Actually Deter Crime?

The average burglar is deterred by the presence of a security camera, particularly when cameras are used with other crime-deterrents, such as motion-activated lighting and alarm systems. When burglars choose their targets, they pick houses that look easy to break into and places they can steal from with little risk of getting caught.

How Do Home Surveillance Cameras Deter Crime?

Your home’s surveillance cameras monitor your property 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They’re watching your home even when you’re not there, making thieves more likely to choose another target. Cameras also record activity in blind spots, the places around your house that might be shielded from the street, making it less likely for a burglar to try to gain access to your property in those areas.

Tips for Preventing Crime With a Surveillance Camera

Think of surveillance cameras as one part of your home protection plan. Combined with an alarm system and landscape lighting, they can act as your home’s eyes and ears when you’re away.

The camera you choose makes a big difference. Look for video surveillance cameras that capture high-resolution images, as the picture will be clear and crisp, making it easier for law enforcement to review. Motion-activated cameras only record when motion is detected, so they don’t waste disc space recording non-activity.

Keep Your Home Safe by Installing Security Cameras Today

Thieves look for easy targets. Send them a clear message by installing surveillance cameras and other crime deterrents around your property. Silent Guardian installs cameras, home alarm systems and landscape lighting on Long Island. Contact us today to learn more about how to keep your home safe.

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