Hotel Video Surveillance

Hotel security is an important issue for all businesses in the hospitality field. One of the key elements in protecting guests and property is having excellent hotel surveillance systems installed. A hotel camera system can capture detailed information on what happens involving incidents on the property. This information will help you learn more about what you need to consider for a hotel surveillance system on your business property.

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Benefits Of Hotel Security Systems

Many advantages of purchasing a surveillance system can reap dividends for your business in a short period. A hotel security camera system can help your staff monitor the guest staying on the property. It helps prevent theft of hotel property from occurring as well as improves hotel room security. A system can protect guests staying at the facility from having valuables stolen from their rooms.

The system can’t monitor what happens inside rooms because that is a personal privacy issue. The cameras are installed in hallway corridors to monitor guests staying at the property. It helps staff keep track of who is going to rooms in each hallway corridor.

Cameras are installed in storage areas where products are kept to replenish vacant rooms being cleaned. The system can monitor the staff to make sure employees aren’t stealing from the business. Security cameras can be installed to prevent employee theft almost anywhere on the property other than private rooms and public-assessable bathrooms.

A network video recorder can be an important addition to the camera system. Hotel management can get updates through a smart device & have the ability to instantly monitor a camera anywhere on business property.

Most guests enjoy the added safety of a hotel security camera system. The technology is a great return investment for your business. The facility will have many return visitors to the property for safety reasons alone. It can increase hotel profits to allow the business to remain competitive in a growing market.


Where Camera Installations Should Be Located

When installing a security camera system in your hotel, it’s important to choose the best locations for these video surveillance cameras. Entry and exit doors should be a top priority when choosing areas to mount cameras.

Hallway corridors and elevators are other areas where hotel cameras need to be located to observe conditions through a live video feed. Pools and sauna rooms are important locations that should have surveillance at all times.

Large parking garages need security cameras installed to protect guest vehicles as well. It allows staff to monitor the area for suspicious activities at night and gives the staff the ability to record any vehicle accidents inside the garage in case verification is needed at a later time.

Some areas can’t have hotel surveillance because federal laws prohibit the installation of security cameras in private rooms and baths. Public bathrooms at a business can’t be monitored either due to privacy issues.


Best Security System To Install For Hotels in Long Island

A high-quality security surveillance system is a necessity when you’re operating a hospitality business. Hotels require the technology for their insurance purposes along with the safety of everyone at the location.

Smart hotel security camera systems are the way to go in today’s business world. Smart camera systems feature automated sensors and detectors. Motion-activated video is another reason why so many businesses use smart technology. If you’re in need of a security system for your hotel in Long Island, contact Silent Guardian Security today.

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