While having a landline is no longer a must for communication in today’s world of innovative technologies, having a security system is a bigger must-have than ever in today’s world of innovative thieves. So, security systems have adapted to meet the needs of home security systems without phone lines.

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You Don’t Need A Landline For Home Security

Homes without a security system are a whopping 300% more likely to fall victim to burglary than those with alarms. A property crime takes place every 3.7 seconds in America.

Not having a security system is simply not a risk you should take for the safety and well-being of your home, its contents, or your family. Yet, many homeowners are under the assumption they can’t get a home security system without a phone line.

Don’t let that assumption leave you open to risk and tragedy. Today’s security technology has spawned an array of home security system options that do not require you to have a landline.

Home Security System Options Without A Landline

If you’re familiar with the home security systems of the past, then you know that traditional systems hooked into your phone line. The alarm being triggered sent a signal via your landline to a monitoring center, who’d then either call your landline to do a well-being check, call the authorities, and/or send a security officer directly to your home.

Today, security systems can work off of cellular technology to bypass the need for a landline. It’s the same premise as above, but the system communicates with the monitoring center via cellular towers, not landlines. This is a stand-alone home security system that uses cell phone technology.

Keep in mind, however, that some security systems can even be set up to work with both landlines and cellular technologies simultaneously. This is providing you twofold support in case one or the other means fails, a cellular signal is blocked or a landline is cut by an intruder.

It’s also important to understand that the 24/7 security provided by a home security system that uses cell phones isn’t actually using your cell phone for wireless monitoring. It’s actually using the cell phone towers nearby your home or a transmitter directly installed on your property. In other words, cell phones themselves aren’t the source of communication between your system and the monitoring center.

In all, cellular technology provides a much more direct and reliable source of communication since potential intruders can’t cut the line and very few would have the capabilities to block a tower’s signal.

Benefits Of Cellular Technology Security Systems

Aside from the above reliability benefit, you’ll find there are quite a few benefits to using a home security system without phone lines, including the ability to eliminate existing expenses of landlines and not being burdened by the worry of your security during power and internet outages.

While not contingent on your actual cell phone, you can link the system to your private cell phone to create more personalized and accessible security benefits, including:

Home automation
•Security text alerts
•Additional video monitoring
•Remote control of integrated aspects such as thermostats, lighting, locks and supplemental security features such as cameras, motion detectors, and doorbell alarms.

Opt For A Monitored Security System Over Unmonitored

Unmonitored security services often have the lure of being less expensive. These are standalone systems that merely alarm via sound when a security breach is detected. They’re better to have than nothing because some thieves may be frightened off by the sound and potential for detection, but you need to ask yourself if you want your security to hinge on a thief’s judgment calls?

Unfortunately, we live in a world where yelling “fire” has more impact than “help.” So, you can’t count on others to respond to an alarm system’s unmonitored blanketed cry for help via sounds.

This is the important distinction between monitored and unmonitored security services. With a monitored system, you know that the alarm’s cry for help goes directly to an actionable listener – the monitoring center. Depending on the protocol and your preferences, the center is then able to take immediate ‘help’ action.

Plus, you also get the benefit of automation and integration with monitored services. This gives you the remote ability to keep tabs on your own home when you’re away from it and make any changes to the home’s controls as you see fit.

Home Security Questions You’ll Want Answered

Most people have a plethora of questions concerning a security and monitoring system, but it’s often hard to get them all out and asked when you’re on the spot. Here are some of the most common questions and some points to consider with each:

1. Video & Motion Monitoring

Does the system come with video and motion monitoring equipment? If so, what kinds and how are they utilized? Will motion and video detection send text alerts to me? Do cameras have backup data for review or only live-view?

2. Installation

Is the system DIY-installed or professionally installed? If DIY, is assistance and detailed instructions provided? If professionally installed, is there a fee? Is everything included, or are add-on choices necessary for my monitoring and equipment preferences?

3. Upgrades

Perhaps you already have a landline service and are looking for a new home security system without a phone line. Can I convert a home alarm to cellular? In many cases, a customer with an existing landline system may be able to keep the system and equipment and upgrade with new communication hardware.

Don’t let not having a landline or thinking it’s impossible to convert a home alarm to cellular leave you without adequate home security protection. Cellular technology home security systems are effective and efficient when it comes to your home security needs. Contact Silent Guardian Security today for a monitored security system & video surveillance installation!