Supermarkets & other retail stores face a variety of daunting security challenges. Shoplifters and employees frequently attempt to steal goods from shelves and storerooms, which can lead to significant losses due to shrinkage. Unmonitored cash register transactions can also cause the store’s proceeds to disappear. Even the store’s parking lot can become an inviting target for crooks who try to break into unoccupied vehicles or rob shoppers as they load

If you own or manage an apartment building or complex in the Long Island, New York area, the safety of your tenants is your top priority. With burglaries, break-ins, vandalism and robberies posing a constant threat, you need to implement the most stringent apartment building security systems to protect residents and give them peace of mind. Apartment building surveillance systems serve as the backbone of any reliable, effective security solution.

Dogs are one of the most loyal creatures on the planet. Often called man’s best friend, dogs are thought of as the first line of defense when it comes to home security. However, when it’s time to protect your family and possessions, many homeowners wonder if dogs are the best option.   View our Services Do Dogs Prevent Break-Ins? The first way to assess if your household pet is an

Maintaining Security of Business and Office Settings It is very important to consider effective ways to secure the places that you conduct business in. This is true whether it happens to be a commercial location or an office building. The security of this setting is essential not simply during business hours but more often after. Business owners in the area should look for companies that provide office security system installations

Vigilance is the Key to Protecting a Store’s Assets As a retail business owner, your biggest investment is the inventory. A business cannot afford the needless loss of merchandise to thieves. Proprietors must be proactive in their approach to loss prevention and their plan for how to prevent theft in a retail store. Small businesses are particularly vulnerable to theft. Many criminals understand that large, chain stores have a lot

Employee Theft Prevention As an employer, leading by the best example and creating a company with a healthy culture –- one that is home to employees who feel respected and valued — boosts productivity, efficiency and feelings of company loyalty. This is especially important when one realizes the sobering statistics of how real and potentially disastrous the problem of employee theft is across the U.S. A 2015 report, Global Retail

Vital TSCM Services for Corporations TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures) is a government term that involves electronic countersurveillance and bug-sweeping matters. Many corporations these days depend on TSCM services. There are many good reasons for that as well. There are a range of reasons to conduct a TSCM sweep. The benefits of technical surveillance countermeasures are both diverse and meaningful. View our Services TSCM Is a Vast Technical Category TSCM is

Protecting Sensitive Information at Corporate Events Sensitive information is discussed and shared during business meetings and conferences every day. Lack of adequate security preparation may expose secrets that might have devastating effects on your business. Some of the common damages include loss of essential information to competitors, the impact of stock prices and even personal danger to individuals involved. Bugging or technical surveillance is an old threat that has become

A Beginner’s Guide to Security Camera Systems A security camera can be one of the greatest features you can add to your home. It gives you peace of mind when you’re away and provides you with the ability to observe your home at the touch of a button. Whether it’s checking in on the kids when they get home, a pet, a maintenance worker or catching a burglar in the

If you run a business, then you understand how important confidentiality is to maintain. It can negatively impact your company as a whole. Many customers won’t want to do business with a company who has experienced hacks, leaks, and other security issues. The origin of how these secrets were uncovered, however, may not be as clear. Once you have ruled out corporate spies, then you’re left with listening devices. The