Counter Surveillance & TSCM Services in Manhattan, NY

Eliminate Threats & Vulnerabilities To Your Corporate Space

Silent Guardian is committed to offering the best counter security services in the industry, which includes illicit listening device detection services and other counter surveillance measures to secure your business or interests. We offer the finest in technical surveillance counter-measures throughout New York City and across the nation. Continue reading to see why our services are the best option for keeping your business secure.

What is Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures (TSCM)?

We offer the process of bug-sweeping or electronic counter-surveillance, which you can use to detect the presence of surveillance devices and hazards that are put in place to expose or data-mine any persons or entities. We will conduct a systematic physical and electronic examination of a designated area, as we employ appropriately trained, qualified and equipped professionals in an attempt to discover electronic eavesdropping devices, security hazards or security weaknesses.

While it might seem in the realm of science fiction, modern technology can allow hackers and unauthorized persons to access your personal information through texts, phone calls, laptop webcams, photos, emails and secret video and audio. With the use of sophisticated equipment, we have the ability to ascertain the presence of such devices.

Common types of surveillance devices that we sweep for include:

  • Cell phone recording apps: Smartphones have become an everyday staple of life, which has made them susceptible to spying and eavesdropping. Due to the ease of implementation and use, these types of bugs have become popular. With experts expecting this kind of technology to only increase in popularity moving forward, it will be essential to remain vigilant. Monitoring apps and programs can record calls, view browser history, and record surround sounds in space while staying undetected.
  • Hidden cameras: Advances in technology have led to smaller cameras and higher quality, which can spell trouble when in the wrong hands. These hidden cameras can be difficult to find without special tools, as the technology can be miniaturized to fit on the head of a screw. Adversaries can hide them in plants, furniture, and decorations, to name a few possible spots.
  • Hidden microphones: Microphones fall in a similar vein as cameras, as they’ve only become more discreet and efficient. Adversaries can hide them in otherwise benign items such as lamps, power outlets, and pens.
  • Wiretapping: One of the classic espionage methods, wiretaps, are still in use today, as they’re continually evolving to avoid surveillance technology. Wiretaps will intercept phone calls and allow unfettered access to whoever is listening in. Wiretapping for cell phones typically uses app software nowadays. Eavesdropping usually occurs in an office that has a landline network or VoIP service.

The Importance of Counter-Surveillance

Counter-surveillance measures are an effective form of threat assessment for your business or facility. These measures and equipment can help identify potential risks that could indicate you’re under unauthorized surveillance.

Sensitive Information

Whether you’re operating on the corporate level or in government and law enforcement, the digital era has led to increased security concerns. Without proper diligence, sensitive information might be at stake on a daily basis. This problem has been a concern for a while, with one recent notable case involving Hewlett-Packard and the leaking of boardroom conversations. New product designs, confidential information and financial accounts are all susceptible to unauthorized access under surveillance.


Not only might your company’s high-profile information be at risk, but your employees’ general privacy may be in danger as well. Not only do you have a moral responsibility to protect your staff’s private information, as well as their physical privacy, but failing to do so is negligence at the highest level. With that kind of slip-up, your company could become legally liable. Implementing TSCM sweeps will strengthen trust in your employees and keep them protected.

Retail Loss Prevention

You can also use counter-measures to reinforce your retail loss prevention strategy, which can thwart an adversary’s effort to learn about your product shipments, points of sales, and more. Insider information like this could prove fatal to your company’s bottom line or brand reputation.

Our Counter Surveillance Services

At Silent Guardian, we offer a variety of TSCM sweeps to use at your disposal, including:

Bug Sweeping

Today’s audio equipment and new types of eavesdropping devices have become far better at picking up even the quietest sounds while being smaller and more covertly designed. Bugs give listeners easy access to unfiltered conversations, including sensitive company data or personnel information.

Infiltrators are skilled at placing bugs in places you’re unlikely to discover or even consider inspecting yourself, making professional assistance crucial. At Silent Guardian, our security experts carefully examine areas of interest — including furniture, decorations and other items — for covert audio-recording equipment and take steps to help you eliminate and prevent future audio bug infestations.

Eavesdropping Detection

Eavesdropping tactics, like transmission links and installed listening devices, are one method of unauthorized listening and data collection for companies and individuals with high-stakes positions or company roles.

Many of today’s eavesdropping devices rely on radio, telephones, and server connectivity in your home or business. At Silent Guardian, our corporate tscm services utilize a variety of eavesdropping detection equipment to detect abnormalities in radio frequency or strange noises, which are classic signs of bugs and other espionage equipment.

State-of-the-Art Equipment That We Use

When protecting sensitive information is critical to your success, OSCOR Green provides the most reliable and cost-effective capability in the industry, including detection of sophisticated transmitters (frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum). OSCOR is a complete eavesdropping detection package that is portable and programmable. The OSCOR is a microprocessor controlled counter surveillance system with a custom designed built-in spectrum analyzer that can operate automatically storing all encountered signals and spectrum traces in memory for later review and comparison. Designed to detect all major types of audio and video RF transmitters (even frequency-hopping, burst/packet, and spread spectrum), including carrier current and infrared. The OSCOR is the industry standard in TSCM equipment.

Provides the capability to detect hidden electronic devices, regardless of whether the device is radiating, hard wired, or even turned on at all! ORION is the latest advancement in Non-Linear Junction Detection and evaluation for countersurveillance.

The near-field detector intercepts devices which are broadcasting on a low wattage in a local area.

The Thermal imager is utilized to check for inconsistencies in temperature. This device detects hidden auto/video devices which are on by the heat signature, which is easily detected.

We conduct a visual/physical search in all areas of concern for eavesdropping threats, which includes searching for:

  • Evidence of clandestine surveillance devices (transmitters, recorders, and microphones)
  • Unidentified wires
  • Variations in the color, type, texture, finish of wood molding, paneling, wallboard and furniture

During the physical inspection, technicians will inspect all furnishings and equipment that could be disassembled or may show evidence of manipulation (ex. AC receptacles and switches, telephone and data jacks, telephone instruments, office equipment / small electronics, furniture with removable cushions and or compartment doors). A thorough search of all the components for clandestine devices or modifications that would allow the specified equipment or furnishing to function normally, while simultaneously acting as a secret surveillance device.

To effectively and efficiently analyze the interior areas, the OSCOR Green will be deployed from a central location(s), which is proportionate to the spaces and targets areas. A physical and electronic search of all accessible areas will be performed, and specialized investigative attention will be conducted in all target areas.

Choose Silent Guardian for Your TSCM Services

Silent Guardian is one of the leading TSCM companies throughout the area — we have more than 20 years of law enforcement technical background. As specialists in TSCM services and other corporate security needs, we understand the cutting-edge technology & security sweeping equipment that’s regularly introduced in today’s market. Don’t leave your facility unprotected — contact us for a TSCM service quote today.