Nov 2019
Video surveillance can be considered the digital security guard of your home or business. With the upswing in crime and violent crime in various places, it is a smart idea to use the benefits of surveillance cameras. These have the advantage of not only detecting crime but also recording it for legal use later on. Security cameras are therefore useful tools for protection if installed and used correctly. Browse Our
Oct 2019
Are Home Surveillance Cameras Legal? Having surveillance cameras in residential areas is a great deterrent against potential crimes committed in your home. The addition of home security cameras can put many people’s minds at ease. There is, however, the question of video surveillance laws at home. Of course, different states have different laws regarding the legality of home security cameras. So what are the laws in New York? Home Security
Sep 2019
If you own or manage residential buildings, you want to ensure residents feel secure and protected at all times. Apartment access control systems limit who can enter a building and access specific areas. Secure access control systems are generally safer than traditional locks and keys and are a major selling point. Check Out Our Access Control System Solutions What Is Apartment Access Control? Apartment access control regulates who can enter
In today’s modern world, personal safety can be a significant concern. Whether you are an executive at a prestigious corporation or just an individual who feels like you are at risk, executive protection services can help protect you and ensure your safety. People such as CEOs, celebrities, and individuals with status, wealth, or fame are often clients of these security services. Request a Free Quote Unlike bodyguard services, executive protection
Aug 2019
Any security threat assessment process can seem like a daunting task, even if your workplace is a small office. Many times risks can be overlooked or not even realized simply because of inexperience. Also, different types of businesses will have different types of risks – banks, for example, will have a different set of risks than an insurance office. Even if you have no idea how to begin thinking about
As a homeowner, you want to do everything possible to protect your property and loved ones. Home security systems deter burglars, but what about home security cameras? Will telling potential burglars they’re on camera keep them from breaking into your home? Learn More About Video Security Do Security Cameras Actually Deter Crime? The average burglar is deterred by the presence of a security camera, particularly when cameras are used with other crime-deterrents,
Jul 2019
When people think of espionage, what generally comes to mind are examples of espionage done by the government. While that is indeed a type of espionage another type of espionage is often overlooked; corporate espionage. But what is corporate espionage exactly? Corporate espionage (also known as industrial espionage) is a form of espionage conducted for commercial gain over a competitor. Believe it or not, espionage is legal to a degree.
Jun 2019
Every year in the United States, there are more than 2.5 million burglaries. That works out to be about one every 13 seconds. These robberies result in billions of dollars in losses and damages to home and business owners. Experienced burglars know the best times to rob a property. Most often, they will enter a home between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. That’s when most adults are at work and children
Jun 2019
When you install an alarm monitoring system in your home or business, you can rely on others to keep watch over your home when you can’t. This goes beyond preventing burglaries — these systems are versatile, convenient and can bring a number of different benefits to your property. At Silent Guardian Security, we can help with a variety of alarm monitoring solutions for homeowners and business owners in our area.
May 2019
In today’s increasingly dangerous world, the safety of students and teachers should be a high priority for any K-12 school district or university. Accordingly, the choice of security procedures and the equipment needed to execute them are among the most crucial decisions administrators must make. Silent Guardian Technical Solutions is a reputable Long Island, NY-based commercial security firm you can trust to keep your Suffolk County or Nassau County school